Improving the Quality of Teaching & Learning 021 691 9039


As a Non-Government Organisation (NGO), the PSP  depends on private funding to do this important work.

Online Giving

Donations can easily be made online HERE. This is both a straighforward and secure way to make a donation to the PSP.


Bank Transfer

If you prefer to donate via bank transfer, please find our bank account details here.

  Name: Western Cape Primary Science Programme Trust
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Lansdowne
Branch Number: 203 209
Account Number: 62011256254


Donations of single amounts may be made directly into the PSP’s bank account or regular donations may be made by means of a bank stop order.


See what your donation can buy:


  1. R50,00


One Natural Sciences & Technology teacher support book.


  1. R500,00


A set of Natural Sciences & Technology teacher support books for a primary school phase – Intermediate Phase


  1. R5 000,00

A complete set of all PSP teaching and learning materials for a school – A variety of teacher support materials


Corporate Social Investment

100% of PSP’s teachers are black South Africans and 100% of contributions to PSP therefore qualify towards your socio-economic development points on your Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) scorecard.